Five nutritional facts you should know about Black Bhatt


Black Bhatt, more commonly known as Black Soybeans, are highly nutritious legumes from the North-Western parts of the Himachal Region. Nubra's Black Bhatt is made from organic black soybeans grown in the high mountains of Uttarakhand. They are very popularly used in various cuisines of the Himachal region and in other parts of India.

Black Bhatt (Black Soybeans) possess excellent nutritional values, which include healthy fats, proteins and carbohydrates. They are flavourful, delicious and easy to cook. In addition to this, they have no cholesterol or any harmful content, making them a healthy ingredient for all kinds of dishes. In this article, we list five nutritional facts you should know about Black Bhatt.


Nutritional Composition

The Black Bhatt belong to the Fabaceae family and are scientifically known as Glycine max. Black Bhatt are very healthy and nutritious legumes. They are not only high in protein content but also contain a rich amount of fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Some of their nutritional values include:

- 20g of black bhatt contains approximately 145 calories

- One serving (100g) of black bhatt contains 10.7g of protein

- The fat content of black soybean ranges from 12.36 to 21.89%


Nutritional Facts about Black Bhatt

Now that you know about the composition of Black Bhatt, here are some more nutritional facts about them:

- Black Bhatt contains some essential vitamins, especially vitamin E (vitamin E), beta-carotene, vitamin A and C

- Black Bhatt are rich in iron and folic acid.

- Black bhatt contains sulfur compounds which are very good for our body as they help maintain the normal function of the digestive system.

– The high protein content of black Bhatt is due to their low content of carbohydrates, making them a good source of dietary protein. The amount of protein in 100g black Bhatt is 10.7g

- These beans contain potassium and copper.


Benefits of consuming Nubra's Black Bhatt (Soybean Black)

As you have already read above, the Black Bhatt (Black Soybeans) have a lot of nutritional value. With this being said, let us now discuss the benefits of consuming black Bhatt:

- Vitamin E - Black Bhatt contains significant amounts of vitamin E. It is known for its antioxidant and anti-ageing properties. In addition to this, it helps in cell regeneration and anti-inflammation processes, where antioxidants help reduce damage to the endocannabinoid system, maintaining a healthy immune system. Vitamin E also helps maintain normal liver function and prevents oxidative damage to cells which can lead to cancer and other diseases.

- Iron - In addition to that, black Bhatt is also rich in iron which is essential for the proper functioning of the brain and muscles. This prevents anemia.

– Copper - Copper is one of the key nutrients for building and maintaining strong bones, blood vessels and nerves. This mineral helps repair normal daily damage to tissue and promotes healthy hair, skin and nails. It also helps protect the cells from damage caused by free radicals.

– Folic acid - Black Bhatt are also rich in folic acid, an essential vitamin that is used in various body processes such as the production of new cells and tissues, cell growth and reproduction. Women who consumed food with a high source of folic acid during pre-conception were less likely to give birth to babies with neural tube defects (NTDs).

– Sulfur Compounds - Black bhatt contains low amounts of sulfur which can cause digestive problems and other diseases. Sulfur compounds are good for cardiovascular health and prevent heart attacks, high blood pressure and stroke.

– Beta-carotene – Black soybeans are rich in beta-carotene. This compound is responsible for a person's natural yellow-orange skin color as well as protecting the cells against cancer and diseases such as atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, macular degeneration, cataracts and more.

– Protein - Black Bhatt is a good source of protein. They contain 10.7 grams of protein per 100 grams serving of black Bhatt (100g). And as we all know, protein is an essential macronutrient. It helps prevent muscle tissue degradation and boosts synthesis and muscle growth as it helps in the building of muscles. In addition to this, protein also helps regulate blood sugar levels, increases satiety and prevents hunger and malnutrition.

- Decrease in cholesterol level - Black bhatt has no cholesterol. This makes them a healthy option for people who are on a low-cholesterol diet. They can be used in various vegetarian dishes to bring out their full flavor and nutritional values.

– Low-fat content – Black Bhatt has a low fat content which is essential for heart health as excess fat can cause cardiovascular issues like high blood pressure, stroke etc.

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